Episode #: 55
Show: National 2
Airdates: Sep '99 to Mar '00 (see Programming Schedule for specific airtimes)

Treating sun-damaged skin, sufferers of Rosacea

BWN explores the latest advances, Spotlighting a revolutionary treatment known as Fotofacial.


Broadcast Excerpts

In this story we take a look at the damaging effects of sun exposure and an expert who's providing a most revolutionary treatment known as Fotofacial.

Industry, commerce, technological advancement. All indications of our need to accomplish our tasks in life faster, better and more profitably. But in our pursuit of progress, we often forget the price we pay for progression. It's no secret the causes of ozone layer depletion. Currently a region covering about 45% of the
atmosphere in the northern hemisphere has already been depleted. Known effects on humans of this tragedy are skin cancer and other skin related diseases.

One extremely common effect of this dangerous exposure to the sun is a disorder that affects 13 million Americans. It is called Rosacea and is normally characterised by facial redness, flushing of the nose, cheeks, forehead, chin and neck. This important health segment takes us to a specialist, heavily sought after by this growing population of affected adults. His name is Dr. Patrick Bitter, Jr.. His procedure is known as Fotofacial. 

Thanks to Dr. Bitter Jr. and other dedicated physicians in his field we've finally got a treatment for this disorder that works. However, most dermatologists advise to stay out of the sun or at least use an effective sunscreen when in the sun for prolonged periods of time. On further investigation, Business World News learned that Dr. Bitter, Jr. is actively training other doctors in his new technique. He intends for his procedure to be available worldwide and is working with a colleague, Dr. Noodleman on newer applications of Fotofacial treatments.



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